Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I went to the bathroom this morning and the normal gush of excess progesterone came out only this time it was a darker brown and when I wiped there were some smears of red blood. My first thought was that this is it, it's the end. I sat there and prayed. I immediately took another hpt and it thankfully came back positive. However, the fear already set in. I had read on-line that brown discharge and spotting is completely normal in early pregnancy, but for me after our long history of infertility and a miscarriage 9 years ago, I couldn't help but think the worst.
I spoke to the RE yesterday and she said that my beta results hadn't come in yet and to call them tomorrow if I don't hear from their office by 11am. Well, just before 11am I received a message from their scheduling person requesting an appointment for my first u/s. I guess my beta results must've been okay otherwise I couldn't imagine them wanting to schedule an u/s in a few weeks. When I called, she was surprised that no one called to give me the results. I had to leave a message with her to request my results since she said she wasn't supposed to give out any results...alrighty then. The nurse called to report that my beta numbers had more than doubled (hallelujah!). It went from 241 on 18 dpo to 533 on 20 dpo, so they were pleased. I asked her to let the RE know that I had experienced darker brown discharge and some red blood type spotting. When the RE called back she didn't seem worried as long as it wasn't a lot and I wasn't experiencing severe cramping. She reiterated that both spotting and mild cramping is normal early on and that I would need to wait until 7 weeks before seeing anything on an u/s. So I guess I can breathe a sigh of relief and remind myself that if the RE isn't worried, I shouldn't be either.

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