Thursday, June 3, 2010


That's what the RE's told dh and I yesterday at our first u/s appointment. I was 7 weeks yesterday. On the u/s we saw the gestational sac, yolk sac, fetal pole, and our little bean. Dh and I thought we saw the flickering of a heartbeat, but the RE said our little bean is measuring at 6 weeks so it probably wasn't the heartbeat. Dh still remains positive while I'm still hoping for the best but expecting the worse. They want me to go back for another u/s at 8 weeks to see the progress before they're able to give us a better idea of whether this pregnancy is viable.
Yesterday before we left for the airport, I got a little scare of my own when I had watery, bloody discharge. It wasn't AF type of flow, but it was more than what I've ever had before. So, when I went to the u/s appointment I wasn't expecting to see anything because I expected to miscarry. Thankfully, we did see what we saw. They say that every pregnancy is different. I can surely verify that. I'm happy to have made it this far. The last time I was pregnant, I made it to 7.5 weeks with the baby measuring at 5.5. We're just praying that this is a stubborn little one like us who is taking their sweet time in developing.

1 comment:

poppy.f.seed said...

I hope all goes well, it is hopeful you saw all that you did, I hope for a strong h/b at next appt!