Friday, May 21, 2010

Very Worried

I went from worried a couple of days ago to very worried today. Yesterday I woke up to gushes of progesterone while I was still in bed. The gushes were light brown but after a bowel movement later that morning, I noticed the discharge had turned into a darker reddish brown. Since I didn't experience any severe cramping, there was no tissue or af type blood, I didn't report it to the RE. By yesterday afternoon, my abdomen was tender to the touch and I had mild cramping which came and went. I kept using the progesterone suppositories as the RE directed and kept in mind what she said about the spotting not going away right away.
This morning I woke up surprised that I hadn't woken up even once to use the bathroom, didn't leak any progesterone while I slept, and felt great. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. As usual, whenever I have a bowel movement in the morning, the colored discharge comes out. It was the same color as yesterday morning, dark reddish brown onlythis time when I wiped, there was some red af blood on the toilet paper. Now I was worried and began thinking I've lost the baby. I took another hpt and it turned up darker than the previous hpt's I had taken over this week. Granted, it could still come up positive with traces of hcg in my system even after miscarrying. While I haven't experienced any more bleeding throughout today or cramps, I'm still very scared. I called the RE's office and spoke with one of the ladies there and told her what I've been experiencing over the past 2 days. She asked if I was put on bed rest and I told her no. I haven't been doing anything strenuous other than going to work as usual. No intercourse. No exercise. No heavy lifting. I am on my feet all day and climbing stairs. She said the RE may put me on strict bed rest. If it will save our little one, I'll do it in a heartbeat! I just pray that everything is still okay with our baby. I can't imagine going through the heartbreak of losing another one.


poppy.f.seed said...

I didn't use insertable progesterone this last pregnancy b/c the spotting issues stressed me out too much. I knew it was the same for keeping the baby, but I hated spotting, I do think it makes you spot b/c of sensitive cervix, and that doesn't mean you're losing the baby, it is just a side effect. I am hoping you have a very sticky baby.

poppy.f.seed said...

Also, I am so sorry you are having this stress!

babyplease said...

Thank you for the positive thoughts and reassurance Poppy. I need it. I've been trying my best to take it easy, not stress, and stay positive. At times, it's easier said than done.