Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Today was the u/s appointment that would determine whether or not this cycle would continue or get postponed. I never thought the day would come where I'd be hoping and praying my follicles don't grow. I guess there's always a time for everything.

I had a full bladder which made it a little difficult to clearly see all the follicles, but the largest ones he was able to see/measure were about 7-8mm, which wasn't bad at all. So he gave the okay to stop birth control pills tomorrow and call when AF begins. I asked him if the large follicles he saw the last time shrank and he said that they sometimes do. He'll get a closer look on Friday when I go back for another u/s and blood test. Hopefully all remains on track. If it does, then I will start Follistim and Menopur on Sunday.


Amy Jensen said...

I hope everything is going okay! Glad to see you posting again.

babyplease said...

Hi Amy. How are you doing?
Everything is going okay.

Amy Jensen said...

We're doing really well. Things are a little hectic, but nothing like the ups and downs of hormone shots. Those are tough... : )