Monday, May 5, 2008

Bad Day

I'm still not feeling up to par. I wish I could sleep through the night without waking up to use the bathroom. Could this be practice for what's to come when I do get pregnant? It's only 8:30am and I feel tired, light headed, and I have a mild headache. At least this morning's Lupron shot didn't ooze out. I think when it does that, that must mean I'm injecting the medicine in too quickly. I didn't slower today and there wasn't any oozing of medicine or blood.

It's now 6:41pm, I'm exhausted, VERY irritable, cranky, and have a headache. I hate this feeling. I went in for my second injection lesson this afternoon. My bloodwork from yesterday came back great, so everything is on track. I'm scheduled to start 225iu of Gonal-f tomorrow. So 5 units of Lupron and 150iu of Gonal-f in the morning and 75iu of Gonal-f at night. All I can say is thank goodness for belly fat. I've always hated it until now. Without it, I would have nothing to pinch and poke. So at least it's good for something.

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